cyclone Wind Pump induced chlorophyll-a enhancement in the South China
Sea: A comparison of the open sea and continental shelf”为题发表于海洋学领域SCI期刊Frontiers in Marine Science上(影响因子5.247)。通讯作者为广州海洋实验室教授、广东省海洋生态环境遥感中心主任Danling Tang 唐丹玲博士,论文第一作者为中国科学院南海海洋研究所博士研究生Ying Li 李颖。
mg m-3, 达到最高值的时间为过境后7-8天;在陆架区,热带气旋引起平均叶绿素增加0.18 mg
m-3,平均达到最高值的时间为过境后7.92天,在海盆区则分别为0.07 mg
3 (A)TC Durian influenced area in the open sea region. The 6-hourly
locations of TC centers are annotated with solid circles, and different
colors denote different Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale; (B)
timeseries of the Chl-a enhancement at 109°E, 13°N (i.e., the red
rectangle in (A, C); (C) composite Chl_en plot.
FIGURE 7 Average Chl_en induced by four groups of TCs in the continental shelf (black bar) and open sea (red bar) regions.
8 (A) TC Durian influenced area in the continental shelf (green
shading) and open sea (blue shading) region. The black contour
represents the 50-m and 200-m isobaths; (B) composite Chl_en plot; (C)
Frequency histogram of the proportion of grids with different Chl_en to
total non-empty grids of the TC-influenced area in the continental shelf
(black bar) and open sea (red bar) region. The black and red lines
represent the average Chl_en in the two regions. The black and red
pentacles represent the average wind speed and translation speed of TC
Durian in the two regions.