序号 | 年份 | 标题 |
1 | 2021 | Dynamics of the Layered Circulation Inferred from Kinetic Energy Pathway in the South China Sea |
2 | 2021 | Influence of the Kuroshio Intrusion on Deep Flow Intraseasonal Variability in the Northern South China Sea |
3 | 2021 | 南海台风生成前48h环流特征及热力与动力条件_高拴柱 |
4 | 2021 | 盛夏南海的水文与环流特征_2000年8月航次再探_李立 |
5 | 2020 | A revisit of the interannual variation of the South China Sea upper layer circulation in summer correlation between the eastward jet and northward branch |
6 | 2020 | An Examination of Circulation Characteristics in the Luzon Strait and the South China Sea Using High-Resolution Regional Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Models |
7 | 2020 | Dynamics of the CrossLayer Exchange for the LayeredCirculation in the South China Sea |
8 | 2020 | Interannual Variability of Shelf and Slope Circulations |
9 | 2020 | Interannual variability of South China Sea winter circulation response to Luzon Strait transport and El Nio wind |
10 | 2020 | Intraseasonal Variability of Cross-Slope Flow in the Northern South China Sea |
11 | 2020 | Progress on the formation dynamics of the layered circulation in the South China Sea |
12 | 2020 | Spatiotemporal Development and Dissipation of Hypoxia Induced by Variable Wind-Driven Shelf Circulation off the Pearl River Estuary Observational and Modeling Studies |
13 | 2020 | 南海分层平均环流探讨 A discussion of layered mean circulation of the South China Sea |
14 | 2020 | 南海开放共享航次关键科学问题的思考——从多尺度海洋动力学角度出发 |
15 | 2020 | 南海深层水的来龙去脉_王桂华 |
16 | 2020 | 南海西北陆架海垂向环流研究_王丽菊 |
17 | 2020 | 台风影响南海上层环流的统计分析研究_王银霞 |
18 | 2020 | 涡分辨率的南海区域海洋环流模式构建技术研究 |
19 | 2020 | 涡分辨率的南海区域海洋环流模式构建技术研究_李佳讯 |
20 | 2019 | 1979—2017年南海SSTA时空特征及其与沃克环流异常的相关 |
21 | 2019 | Advances in research of the mid-deep South China Sea circulation |
22 | 2019 | Coupled External-Internal Dynamics of Layered Circulation in the South China Sea A Modeling Study |
23 | 2019 | Interannual variation of the South China Sea circulation during winter intensified in the southern basin |
24 | 2019 | Overview of the multi-layer circulation in the South China Sea |
25 | 2019 | 南海中深层动力格局与演变机制研究进展_王东晓 |
26 | 2019 | 南海周边越赤道气流的多时间尺度变化特征及其与环流和降水的联系 |
27 | 2019 | 基于HYCOM模拟的南海西北部环流 |
28 | 2019 | 基于遥感资料的南海台风降水时空分布及对上层海洋环流的影响研究_刘娜 |
29 | 2019 | 海盐致环流对台风降水的响应特征分析_刘娜 |
30 | 2018 | Coupled Summer Circulation and Dynamics Between a Bay and the Adjacent Shelf Around Hong Kong Observational and Modeling Studies |
31 | 2018 | Deep water characteristics and circulation in the South China Sea |
32 | 2018 | Layered model and insights into the vertical coupling of the South China Sea circulation in the upper and middle layers |
33 | 2018 | Progress on shelf and slope circulation in the northern South China Sea |
34 | 2018 | Response of the Diurnal Cycle of Summer Rainfall to Large-Scale Circulation and Coastal Upwelling at Hainan, South China |
35 | 2018 | The Contribution of Local Wind and Ocean Circulation to the Interannual Variability in Coastal Upwelling Intensity in the Northern South China Sea |
36 | 2018 | 南海北部陆架陆坡流系研究进展_舒业强 |
37 | 2018 | 南海海盆东北部陆坡附近上层海流观测研究_林志菲 |
38 | 2018 | 基于Argo历史观测的南海海盆尺度中层流场研究_王晓慧 |
39 | 2018 | 基于卫星测高与卫星遥感海面温度的南海洋流研究_李惠玲 |
40 | 2017 | Impact of Tidal Mixing on Water Mass Transformation and Circulation in the South China Sea |
41 | 2017 | 2005-苏纪兰-南海环流动力机制研究综述 |
42 | 2017 | A Three-Layer Alternating Spinning Circulation in the South China Sea |
43 | 2017 | Circulation and oxygenation of the glacial South China Sea |
44 | 2017 | Deep Western Boundary Current in |
45 | 2017 | Effect of potential vorticity flux on the circulationin the South China Sea |
46 | 2017 | Three-dimensional pathways of water masses in the South China Sea A modeling study |
47 | 2017 | 南海上层环流和热结构特征的季节性时空演变数值模拟分析_许婷 |
48 | 2017 | 南海北部跨陆坡运动的模式诊断分析_黄孝荣 |
49 | 2017 | 南海海洋环流季节变化的数值模拟研究_许婷 |
50 | 2017 | 多岛环流理论在南海域际环流中的应用研究_连展 |
51 | 2016 | 2015年6月南海北部陆坡气旋-...气旋涡对陆坡水文和环流影响的观测_陈钟为 |
52 | 2016 | A three-layer alternating spinning circulation in the South China Sea |
53 | 2016 | Effect of potential vorticity flux on the circulation in the South China Sea |
54 | 2016 | Features and variability of the South China Sea western boundary |
55 | 2016 | Numerical modeling of intrinsically and extrinsically forcedseasonal circulation in the China Seas A kinematic study |
56 | 2016 | Observed evidence of the anomalous South China Sea westernboundary current during the summers of 2010 and 2011 |
57 | 2016 | On the near-inertial variations of meridional overturning circulation in the South China Sea |
58 | 2016 | Opposite Variability of Indonesian Throughflow and South China Sea Throughflow in the Sulawesi Sea |
59 | 2016 | Progress on deep circulation and meridional overturning circulation in the South China Sea |
60 | 2016 | Seasonal variability of the isopycnal surface circulation in the South China Sea derived from a variable-grid global ocean circulation model |
61 | 2016 | Seasonal variability of the meridional overturning circulationin the South China Sea and its connection with inter-oceantransport based on SODA2.2.4 |
62 | 2016 | Three-Dimensional Distribution of Turbulent Mixing in the South China Sea |
63 | 2016 | 冬季南海北部边界流的时空分布和变化 |
64 | 2016 | 南海北部环流和陆架陷波研究_丁扬 |
65 | 2016 | 南海深层环流与经向翻转环流的研究进展_王东晓 |
66 | 2016 | 南海深层西边界流研究_朱聿超 |
67 | 2016 | 南海西边界强流区季节和年际变化特征 |
68 | 2016 | 基于CTD资料的南海南部上层环流结构分析_陈思宇 |
69 | 2016 | 海南岛秋汛期降水的时空分布特点及其环流特征分析 |
70 | 2015 | Influence of Enhanced Abyssal Diapycnal Mixing on Stratification and the Ocean Overturning Circulation |
71 | 2015 | Dynamic of the upper cross-isobath's flow on the northern South China Sea in summer |
72 | 2015 | Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea A review |
73 | 2015 | Low-Frequency Variability of Monsoon-Driven Circulation with Application to the South China Sea |
74 | 2015 | Seasonal variation in the South China Sea deep circulation |
75 | 2015 | 南海上层环流对不同气候态风场响应的数值研究_闫桐 |
76 | 2015 | 南海东北部深层环流观测研究_周春 |
77 | 2015 | 南海北部环流和陆架陷波研究_丁扬 |
78 | 2014 | Deep water circulation in the Luzon Strait |
79 | 2014 | Meridional overturning circulation in the South China Sea envisioned from the high-resolution global reanalysis data GLBa0.08 |
80 | 2014 | State analysis using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) and the three-layer circulation structure of the Luzon Strait and the South China Sea |
81 | 2014 | Westward intensification in marginal seas |
82 | 2014 | 南海北部冷涌及其环流特征_张玲 |
83 | 2014 | 南海北部环流观测研究_马云龙 |
84 | 2014 | 南海环流数值模拟研究 |
85 | 2014 | 基于卫星漂流浮标的南海表层海流观测分析_刘科峰 |
86 | 2014 | 太平洋-印度洋贯穿流南海分支研究综述_张晶 |
87 | 2014 | 越南离岸流跨海盆特征初步分析 |
88 | 2013 | Analysis of deep-layer and bottom circulations in the South China Sea based on eight quasi-global ocean model outputs |
89 | 2013 | Meridional overturning circulation in the South China Sea envisioned from the high-resolution global reanalysis data GLBa0.08 |
90 | 2013 | On the dynamics of the South China Sea deep circulation |
91 | 2013 | Progress of regional oceanography study associated with western boundary current in the South China Sea |
92 | 2013 | Weakening of the Kuroshio Intrusion into the South China Sea over the Past Two Decades |
93 | 2013 | 一个考虑潮汐、中尺度涡和地形影响的南海底部环流诊断模型 |
94 | 2013 | 与南海西边界流有关的区域海洋学进展_王东晓 |
95 | 2013 | 冬季南海西边界急流的动力机制分析- |
96 | 2013 | 冬季南海西边界急流的动力机制分析_董慧超 |
97 | 2013 | 南海西边界流时空特征初探_徐佳佳 |
98 | 2013 | 吕宋岛西侧中、深层环流的诊断分析 |
99 | 2013 | 基于8个准全球模式模拟的南海深层与底层环流特征分析_谢强 |
100 | 2013 | 基于Thorpe尺度对南海深层混合的研究 |
101 | 2013 | 应用GHSOM网络分析南海北部表层环流模态与黑潮入侵_徐晓华 |
102 | 2013 | 海洋模式的水平分辨率对吕宋海峡深层环流数值模拟结果的影响 |
103 | 2013 | 季南海北部持续性强降水和环流异常的准双周振荡特征 |
104 | 2012 | A review on the South China Sea western boundary current |
105 | 2012 | Advances in research on the deep South China Sea circulation |
106 | 2012 | ElNino事件期间南海环流的异常特征 |
107 | 2012 | South China Sea throughflow impact on the Indonesianthroughflow |
108 | 2012 | The Effects of Thermohaline Circulation on Wind-Driven Circulation in the South China Sea |
109 | 2012 | The forcing mechanism leading to the Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea |
110 | 2012 | Upper layer circulation in the Luzon Strait |
111 | 2012 | Vorticity budget study on the seasonal upper circulation in the northern South China Sea from altimetry data and a numerical model |
112 | 2012 | 南海北部陆架陆坡区海流观测研究 |
113 | 2012 | 南海深海环流研究进展_田纪伟 |
114 | 2012 | 南海环流要素时空分布特征的数值研究_于庆龙 |
115 | 2012 | 南海西边界流时空特征初探_徐佳佳 |
116 | 2012 | 吕宋海峡及南海深层环流的观测与数值模拟研究及机制分析_王斌 |
117 | 2012 | 基于8个准全球模式模拟的南海深层与底层环流特征分析 |
118 | 2012 | 夏季风爆发期南海西边界急流的变化特征研究 |
119 | 2012 | 粤西近岸环流研究进展 |
120 | 2012 | 黑潮对中国近海环流影响的数值模拟研究_王兆毅 |
121 | 2011 | Deep South China Sea circulation |
122 | 2011 | Different effects of tropical cyclones generated in the South China Sea and the northwest Pacific on the summer South China Sea circulation |
123 | 2011 | 南海中层水、中层环流及其与西北太平洋中层水交换研究_王雪竹 |
124 | 2011 | 南海表层环流和热结构特征的数值模拟与影响因素分析_聂宇华 |
125 | 2011 | 热带气旋对南海上层海洋影响研究 |
126 | 2010 | Association of the Sulu Sea surface circulation with the South China Sea |
127 | 2010 | Deep South China Sea circulation |
128 | 2010 | Observation of Luzon Strait transport in summer 2007 - ScienceDirect |
129 | 2010 | Response of upper ocean currents to typhoons at two ADCP moorings west of the Luzon Strait |
130 | 2010 | Sub-seasonal variability of Luzon Strait Transport in a high resolution global model |
131 | 2010 | 南海中层水、中层环流及其与西北太平洋中层水交换研究_王雪竹 |
132 | 2010 | 南海环流要素时空分布特征的数值研究_于庆龙 |