12021Assessing Summertime Primary Production Required in Changed MarineEnvironments in Upwelling Ecosystems Around the Taiwan Bank
22021Full-depth profiles of PAHs in the Western South China Sea Influence of Upwelling and Mesoscale Eddy
32021High-Resolution Observations of Upwelling and Front in Daya Bay,South China Sea
42021Strengthening eff ect of super typhoon Rammasun (2014) on upwelling and cold eddies in the South China Sea
52021Using TPI to Map Spatial and Temporal Variations of Significant Coastal Upewlling in the Northern South China Sea
62020Diversity and potential function of bacterial communities in different upwelling system
72020Impacts of Wind and Current on the Interannual Variation of the Summertime Upwelling off Southern Vietnam in the South China Sea
82020Nonstationary El Nino teleconnection on the post-summer upwelling off Vietnam
92020Phytoplankton bloom triggered by eddy-wind interaction in the upwelling region east of Hainan Island
102020Theocean-atmosphere interaction over a summer upwelling system in the South China Sea
112020Typhoon Merbok induced upwelling impact on material transport in the costal northern South China Sea
122019Distinctive characteristics of upwelling along the Peninsular Malaysia's east coast during 2009.10 and 2015.16 El Ninos
132018Enhancement of Mesopelagic Sinking Particle Fluxes Due to Upwelling,Aersol Deposition,and Mosoonal Influences in the Northwesterb South China Sea
142018The Contribution of Local Wind and Ocean Circulation to the Interabbual Variability in Costal Upwelling Intensity in the Northern South China Sea
152017Far-reaching transport of Pearl River plume water by upwelling jet in the northwestern South China Sea
162017Transport of terrigenous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons affected by the coastal upwelling in the northwestern coast of South China Sea
172016Development of upwelling on pathway and freshwater transport of Pearl River olume in northeastern South China Sea
182016Impacts of coastal upwelling off east Vietnam on the regional wind system An air-sea-land interaction
192016Response of Phytoplankton Community Structure and Size-Fractionated Chlorophyll a in an Upwelling Simulation Experiment in the Western South China Sea
202015Physical-biological coupling of N2 fixation in the northwestern South China Sea coastal upwelling during summer
212015Progress on upwelling studies in the China seas
222015Remote Sensing Studies of an Upwelling Jet in Guangdong Coastal Water
232015Winter coastal upwelling off northwest Borneo in the South China Sea
242014Size-based analysis of a zooplankton community under the influence of the Pearl River plume and coastal upwelling in the northeastern South China Sea
252014Summer upwelling and thermal fronts in the northwestern South China Sea-observation analysis of two mesoscale mapping surveys
262013A western boundary upwelling system response to recent climate variation(1960-2006)
272013Inter-annual variability of upwelling off the South-Vietnamese coast and its relation to nurtient dynamics
282013Role of Ekman Transport Versus Ekman Pumping in Driving Summer Upwelling in the South China Sea
292012Abnormal upwelling and chlorophyll-aconcentration off South Vietnam in summer 2007
302012Remote sensing observation and numerical modeling of an upwelling jet in Guangdong costal water
312011A redefinition of water masses in the Vietnamese upwelling area Joachim W.Dippner,Natalie Loick-Wilde
322011Bacterial distribution and nutrient limitation in relation to different water masses in the coastal and northwestern South China Sea in late summer
332011Coastal upwelling in summer 2000 in the northeastern South China Sea
342011Current separation and upwelling over the southeast shelf of Vietnam in the South China Sea
352011Evolution of a coastal upwelling event during summer 2004 in the southern Taiwan Strait
362011haracteristics and mechanisms of the upwelling in the southern Taiwan Strait-a three-dimensional numerical model study
372011Responses of Guangdong coastal upwelling to the summertime typhoons of 2006
382011The influence of meteorological variation on the upwelling system off eastern Hainan during summer 2007-2008
392010Upwelling in the continental shelf of northern South China Sea associated wuth 1997-1998 El Nino
402010Winter phytoplankton bloom induced by subsurface upwelling and mixed layer entrainment southwest of Luzon Strait

上一篇:The Contribution of Local Wind and Ocean Circulation to the Interabbual Variability in Costal Upwelling Intensity in the Northern South China Sea




