序号 | 年份 | 标题 |
1 | 2021 | Assessing Summertime Primary Production Required in Changed MarineEnvironments in Upwelling Ecosystems Around the Taiwan Bank |
2 | 2021 | Full-depth profiles of PAHs in the Western South China Sea Influence of Upwelling and Mesoscale Eddy |
3 | 2021 | High-Resolution Observations of Upwelling and Front in Daya Bay,South China Sea |
4 | 2021 | Strengthening eff ect of super typhoon Rammasun (2014) on upwelling and cold eddies in the South China Sea |
5 | 2021 | Using TPI to Map Spatial and Temporal Variations of Significant Coastal Upewlling in the Northern South China Sea |
6 | 2020 | Diversity and potential function of bacterial communities in different upwelling system |
7 | 2020 | Impacts of Wind and Current on the Interannual Variation of the Summertime Upwelling off Southern Vietnam in the South China Sea |
8 | 2020 | Nonstationary El Nino teleconnection on the post-summer upwelling off Vietnam |
9 | 2020 | Phytoplankton bloom triggered by eddy-wind interaction in the upwelling region east of Hainan Island |
10 | 2020 | Theocean-atmosphere interaction over a summer upwelling system in the South China Sea |
11 | 2020 | Typhoon Merbok induced upwelling impact on material transport in the costal northern South China Sea |
12 | 2019 | Distinctive characteristics of upwelling along the Peninsular Malaysia's east coast during 2009.10 and 2015.16 El Ninos |
13 | 2018 | Enhancement of Mesopelagic Sinking Particle Fluxes Due to Upwelling,Aersol Deposition,and Mosoonal Influences in the Northwesterb South China Sea |
14 | 2018 | The Contribution of Local Wind and Ocean Circulation to the Interabbual Variability in Costal Upwelling Intensity in the Northern South China Sea |
15 | 2017 | Far-reaching transport of Pearl River plume water by upwelling jet in the northwestern South China Sea |
16 | 2017 | Transport of terrigenous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons affected by the coastal upwelling in the northwestern coast of South China Sea |
17 | 2016 | Development of upwelling on pathway and freshwater transport of Pearl River olume in northeastern South China Sea |
18 | 2016 | Impacts of coastal upwelling off east Vietnam on the regional wind system An air-sea-land interaction |
19 | 2016 | Response of Phytoplankton Community Structure and Size-Fractionated Chlorophyll a in an Upwelling Simulation Experiment in the Western South China Sea |
20 | 2015 | Physical-biological coupling of N2 fixation in the northwestern South China Sea coastal upwelling during summer |
21 | 2015 | Progress on upwelling studies in the China seas |
22 | 2015 | Remote Sensing Studies of an Upwelling Jet in Guangdong Coastal Water |
23 | 2015 | Winter coastal upwelling off northwest Borneo in the South China Sea |
24 | 2014 | Size-based analysis of a zooplankton community under the influence of the Pearl River plume and coastal upwelling in the northeastern South China Sea |
25 | 2014 | Summer upwelling and thermal fronts in the northwestern South China Sea-observation analysis of two mesoscale mapping surveys |
26 | 2013 | A western boundary upwelling system response to recent climate variation(1960-2006) |
27 | 2013 | Inter-annual variability of upwelling off the South-Vietnamese coast and its relation to nurtient dynamics |
28 | 2013 | Role of Ekman Transport Versus Ekman Pumping in Driving Summer Upwelling in the South China Sea |
29 | 2012 | Abnormal upwelling and chlorophyll-aconcentration off South Vietnam in summer 2007 |
30 | 2012 | Remote sensing observation and numerical modeling of an upwelling jet in Guangdong costal water |
31 | 2011 | A redefinition of water masses in the Vietnamese upwelling area Joachim W.Dippner,Natalie Loick-Wilde |
32 | 2011 | Bacterial distribution and nutrient limitation in relation to different water masses in the coastal and northwestern South China Sea in late summer |
33 | 2011 | Coastal upwelling in summer 2000 in the northeastern South China Sea |
34 | 2011 | Current separation and upwelling over the southeast shelf of Vietnam in the South China Sea |
35 | 2011 | Evolution of a coastal upwelling event during summer 2004 in the southern Taiwan Strait |
36 | 2011 | haracteristics and mechanisms of the upwelling in the southern Taiwan Strait-a three-dimensional numerical model study |
37 | 2011 | Responses of Guangdong coastal upwelling to the summertime typhoons of 2006 |
38 | 2011 | The influence of meteorological variation on the upwelling system off eastern Hainan during summer 2007-2008 |
39 | 2010 | Upwelling in the continental shelf of northern South China Sea associated wuth 1997-1998 El Nino |
40 | 2010 | Winter phytoplankton bloom induced by subsurface upwelling and mixed layer entrainment southwest of Luzon Strait |